Greenbriar Digital
Business Email Accounts
Secure your customer communication with professional business email accounts for your business and employees, and take advantage of the full suite of premium email account features.
Secure Email Hosting at Your Domain
Don’t get gouged by a faceless IT company trying to scare you into a custom email solution. We set your office up with premium accounts at Google G Suite or Office 365 to streamline your day-to-day communication so you and your staff don’t miss a beat.
Premium Email Accounts
We partner only with the biggest and most secure email providers to ensure that your deliverability is not affected and so you are protected from security risks.
Full Office Suite Included
We integrate with the full suite of services for Office 365 or G Suite, no matter what level of access you need, we have you covered.
User and Admin Control
Control your employee levels of access, stay lean with flexible account management, alias creation, utilization reports and user-by-user controls.
Business Email Integration Options
Enterprise Solutions
With options including Google’s G Suite, Microsoft’s Office 365, and a number of secure email options, we’ll find the best choice for you.
24/7 Webmail Access
Provided webmail login lets you access your email accounts from anywhere at any time on any device.
Email Encrypted Messaging
Need a more secure email option? Encrypted emails allow you to send from a secure email dashboard.
Email Migration
Migrate your existing email account and transfer your current messages to an improved business email provider.
Device Integration
We can help you set your email up for access on your phone, or with an email client like Thunderbird or Outlook.
Enhanced Company Signatures
Let our team help you set up an out-of-the-box email signature for your business emails.